Exit process is another most important part
of HR Process, where employer may get the true feedback regarding the best part
and the loopholes of the HR Process, where they can improve. The main challenge
of the HR process depends in retaining the employee for a longer period of
time. During this exit process, employees are asked to fill an exit form which
is a part of exit interview, where employee are asked few question regarding
their switch of job, leaving the current organization and their experience and
their feedback. This process is a kind of evaluation done to know the reason
for which the employee is parting with the company and the places where HR
process can be improved. Here in this section below you can find one sample or
template which you can use in your company during exit interview.
An exit interview is
the most accurate instrument in assessing the issues that drive an employee to
leave an organization. It is a powerful tool that allows organizations to gain
an understanding as to why people leave – what they liked and what they did not
like about their employment with the organization. An exit interview is a
voluntary, verbal interview between an employee who´s leaving the organization
and the representative of the organization. The interview often takes place one
to two days before the employee actually leaves.
From the
employer´s perspective, the primary aim of conducting the exit interview is to
learn the reasons for the employee´s detachment from the organization¸ on the
basis that criticism is a helpful driver for organizational improvement and
employment practices.
· Aims and Outcomes of the Exit Interview
· •Discover the
employee’s reason for leaving.
· •Give positive
attention to the departing employees in order to alleviate possible
frustrations and / or negative attitude toward the organization.
•Allow departing
employees to have a voice about what their work experience was like.
· •Receive valuable
feedback from departing employees about compensation, working conditions,
management, and the culture of the organization as well as company’s policies
and procedures, and work units, productivity, morale, finances, equipment,
worker satisfaction and so on.
· •Explore areas of
the departing employee’s most serious concerns, and record details of what they
enjoyed most.
· •Departing
employees have an opportunity to transfer knowledge and experience to a
successor or replacement; may also brief a team on current projects, issues and
· •Chance for
departing employees to provide valuable insights and constructive feedback, and
to leave on a positive note, with good relations and mutual respect.
· •The exit process
management is also important for other reasons like avoiding litigation, trade
secret protection and potential re-hire.
· •It is a great tool
to identify and correct hidden organizational and management problems.
· •To glean feedback
from employees in order to improve aspects of the organization, better retain
employees, and reduce turnover.
Importance of Exit Interview
· •The exit interview
is a very important part of the employee cycle. They provide an opportunity to
'make peace' with disgruntled employees, who might otherwise leave with bitter
intentions. Exit interviews are seen by existing employees as a sign of
positive culture. They are regarded as caring and compassionate - a sign that
the organization is big enough to expose itself to criticism. Exit interviews
accelerate participating managers' understanding and experience of managing
people and organizations. Hearing and handling feedback is a powerful
development process.
· •Provide valuable
information as to how to improve recruitment and induction of new employees.
· • Provide direct
indications as to how to improve staff retention.
· •Help to support an
organization's proper HR practices. They are seen as positive and necessary for
quality and effective people-management by most professional institutes and
accrediting bodies concerned with quality management of people, organizations and
· •The results and
analysis of exit interviews provide relevant and useful data directly into training needs analysis and training planning processes.
· •Sometimes an exit
interview provides the chance to retain a valuable employee who would otherwise
have left (organizations often accept resignations far too readily without
discussion or testing the firmness of feeling - the exit interview provides a
final safety net).
· •A significant
proportion of employee leavers will be people that the organization is actually very sorry to leave (despite the post-rationalisation and sour grapes reactions
of many senior executives to the departure of their best people). The exit
interview therefore provides an excellent source of comment and opportunity
relating to management succession planning. Good people leave often because
they are denied opportunity to grow and advance. Wherever this is happening
organizations need to know about it and respond accordingly.
· •An excellent
catalyst for identifying specific mistakes and improvement opportunities in
this vital area of management development and succession.
Who should conduct exit interview ?
· When conducting exit interviews, think
carefully about who will be the interviewer. Traditional exit interviews are
conducted by someone from the HR department. Over and above the obvious
interpersonal and interviewing skills needed, you also need to consider issues
of trust and honesty. However to ensure neutrality and confidentiality, the
organization can choose to use a computerized survey or outsource the process
to a professional agency. The former option has its inherent limitations and is
unable to capture softer issues and nuances critical to the process. More and
more HR managers are today opting to outsource the Exit Interview process to
professional companies who have the skills and trained personal, and band width
to conduct exit interviews and deliver qualitative and timely inputs.
Methods for conducting Exit Interview
1. Face to face
•Capture complex
ideas through follow-up questioning and tone indications.
communication and understanding.
•Probe, clarify and
ask for examples.
question order.
•Administered by a
2. Telephonically
•Probe and capture
the answers regarding the questions
•Clarify and ask
for examples.
•Administered by a
3. Hard Copy (Paper /
• Record for future
• Ensures total